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Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Login Multiple Accounts of same site on IE and Mozilla

Use IE8 -nomerge option to login multiple accounts of same site:-
If you’re using Windows Vista and don’t mind to type a little bit of command, just click Vista Orb and start typing iexplore.exe -nomerge in the Start Search text box, followed by ENTER key.
Tweak the IE8 shortcut:- Regardless how many IE8 shortcut icon there are in your system, just right-click one of the icon that you use most of time to start IE8 browser, select Properties from the pop-up menu, click the Shortcut tab and append -nomerge to the Target text box 

Mozilla Firefox:-
Initial Setup
- close all instances of firefox
- Start -> Run -> firefox.exe -ProfileManager
- create 5 or so profiles, I named them p1 - p5
Then when you want to use different profiles launch each one from the command line
- Start -> Run -> firefox.exe -P p1 -no-remote.
Each profile is totally distinct (history, cookies, etc...), only issue there does not seem to be an easy way to tell which profile you currently have open

Source - www.walkernews.net / house9.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Encode/Decode the String in Webload

While creating a script in webload, often we may need to decode the string that will appear in url or for the data that needs to be submitted using POST method.To encode or decode the string we can use the below two methods,
1."encodeURI()" or "encodeURIComponent()"
2."decodeURI()" or "decodeURIComponent()"

Sample Script for encodeURIComponent():
var userInputStr = "What is javascript?";
var searchStr = "?userinput=" + nextline
Sample Script for decodeURIComponent():
var userInputStr = "What is javascript?";
var searchStr = "?userinput=" + nextline

Monday, March 8, 2010

Memory Leak Testing Using Firefox

Source - Mozilla Corporation
Leak Gauge - Memory Leak Test Tool developed by David Baron

Step-1: Need to set the environment variable and works on all platforms "c:\NSPR_LOG_MODULES=DOMLeak:5,DocumentLeak:5,nsDocShellLeak:5,NodeInfoManagerLeak:5"
Step-2: To define a Leak Log, set "NSPR_LOG_FILE=c:\leak1.log"
Note: Works on Firefox 2 and Firefox 3+ Release Builds.
To analyze the result, upload the Leak Log file on,

When a Memory Leak was found the output of the Log analysis look like this:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Linux Performance Tuning Introduction

Performance tuning is the process of finding bottlenecks in a system and tuning the operating system to eliminate these bottlenecks.Performance tuning is about achieving balance between the different sub-systems of an OS. These sub-systems include:
• Memory
• IO
• Network

Monday, January 4, 2010

Performance Counters in Windows Perfmon

Disk Related Counters
If you suspect that your system’s hard disk might be a bottleneck for the system, then there are two counters that you should examine within the Physical Disk performance object. The counters are % Disk Time and Current Disk Queue Length.
The % Disk Time counter shows you what percentage of the time the hard disk is busy. You want this counter’s average value to be as low as possible (but not zero). An average value of 90% or above indicates that the hard disk can’t keep up with the demand. This could be due to a hard disk that is too slow, or it could be caused by excessive paging. I will talk more about paging in the section on memory.
The Current Disk Queue Length counter tells you how many I/O operations are waiting for the hard disk to become available. Again, this number should be as low as possible. Experts give differing opinions of what is an acceptable value, but my opinion is that the average disk queue length should be three or less.
Memory Related Counters
PAGES/SEC – this value counts the number of times per second that the computer must access virtual memory rather than physical memory. A value above 20 is considered to be problematic
Committed Bytes and Available Bytes – The Committed Bytes counter traces the amount of virtual memory that’s in use. The Available Bytes counter monitors how much memory is actually available. As you might expect, as the Available Bytes counter decreases, paging increases, thus slowing down your machine. If you determine that the Available Bytes are often in short supply, you can correct the problem by adding memory. However, before you do, try watching both counters together as you open and close programs. If the committed bytes don’t decrease and available bytes don’t increase as you close programs, the system may have a memory leak which is caused by a software problem rather than insufficient RAM.
Cache Bytes – This counter monitors the amount of memory being used for the file system cache. Anything over 4 MB is considered to be to much. The solution is to add more memory.
Is Your Server Available?
Availability means your system or application is up and running, and one way of determining the availability of your system is to view the System\System Up Time counter, which tells you how many seconds it's been since your server last rebooted.
You can monitor uptime for any process running on your machine using the Process(instance)\Elapsed Time counter, which tells you how long that particular process has been running on your machine.
How Busy is it?
A server that's too busy may be unable to satisfactorily respond to client requests. The simplest measure of a system's busyness is Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time, which measures the total utilization of your processor by all running processes. Note that if you have a multiprocessor machine, Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time actually measures the average processor utilization of your machine (i.e. utilization averaged over all processors).
If your machine is running several applications or handles several server roles on your network, another way to measure busy-ness is to measure processor contention, which is an indication of how different threads are fighting for the attention of the processors on your machine. If too many threads are contending for use of the same processor, the requests by these threads get queued up, and looking at the System\Processor Queue Length counter gives an indication of how many threads are waiting for execution. If this counter is consistently higher than around 5 when processor utilization approaches 100%, then this is a good indication that there is more work (active threads) available (ready for execution) than the machine's processors are able to handle.
Is Hardware Functioning Properly?
There are a couple of perfmon counters you can track to monitor for signs that your machine's hardware devices are functioning properly. One of these is System\Context Switches/sec, which measures how frequently the processor has to switch from user- to kernel-mode to handle a request from a thread running in user mode. The heavier the workload running on your machine, the higher this counter will generally be, but over long term the value of this counter should remain fairly constant. If this counter suddenly starts increasing however, it may be an indicating of a malfunctioning device, especially if you are seeing a similar jump in the Processor(_Total)\Interrupts/sec counter on your machine.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How to capture the ID in URL and correlate using OpenSTA

In webapplications, session id or some user id will be encoded in urls like, http://localhost/login.jsp;jsessionid=25698FG34. In this example 25698FG34 is the session identifier.Mainly these sessionids can be found in two ways,they are as follows
2.HTML body
Inorder to retrieve the sessionid from cookie use the following code,
Load Response_Info Header on 4 Into VAR_UID ,WITH "Set-Cookie,UID"
Inorder to retrieve the sessionid from html body use the following code,

Once the desired ID has been obtained, it can be concatenated into applicable URLs as shown below:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Distributed Testing in OpenSTA

Distributed testing is nothing but playing back of scripts with more than one machine.
To setup for the method of distributed testing do the following:
1. Select 1 machine that will be the master on which you will develop the tests and Run: this will be your RepositoryHost and the other machines will be the slave load generating machines.
2. On EACH of your slave machines, configure the OpenSTA Name Server by right clicking on the name server icon in the task bar and selecting Configure. Set the 'Repository Host' to the IP/Name of your master(RepositoryHost).
3. On the master(RepositoryHost) machine, create a test. Add your script to the Task group. Set the 'Host' to the IP of one of your slave machines. Set the VU to the load you want that slave to generate. Set the 'Start' to a scheduled time.
4. Now right-click on the task you've added and select 'Duplicate Task Group'. Set the 'Host in the duplicated task to another slave's IP. Optionally, you can modify the load.
5. Repeat Step 4 for all the slaves.
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